The new editions of the following lists are published to the"Lists" Sections
1) National List of individuals and legal entities, related to the terrorist and extremist activity and proliferation of weapon of mass destruction (as of February 8, 2017);
2) International List of individuals and legal entities, related to the terrorist and extremist activity and proliferation of weapon of mass destruction (as of February 8, 2017);
3) List of persons, served a sentence for terrorist or extremist offences (as of February 8, 2017).
According to the SFIS Order as of 08.02.2017, #6/P, the following individuals are de-listed from the National List of individuals and legal entities, related to the terrorist and extremist activity and proliferation of weapon of mass destruction:
1) Мирзабаев Умарали Ибрахимович (Mirzabaev Umarali Ibrakhimovich), DoB 14.01.1976;
2) Номанов Рахимжан Кабирович (Nomanov Rakhimzhan Kabirovich), DoB 28.06.1958
3) Токтасинов Мурадбек Исакович (Toktasinov Muradbek Isakovich), DoB 05.02.1970;
4) Хусанов Саитхожа Давлатхожаевич (Khusanov Saitkhozha Davlatkhozhaevich), DoB 24.05.1988.